Newsletter November/December 2024

1 Corinthians 3:6-9 “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 7 So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. 8 Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. 9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building.”

What’s the latest

November was the final month for the “trial session” of language class in the Two Rivers library, and all of the faithful language students have requested another session in the New Year. The Board of Woods Outreach has agreed to keep it going with classes starting back up on January 8, 2025. November 17th in the evening was our special “Give Thanks” event. We were thrilled that one of the language students attended and brought her family with her. It was encouraging to bring these two worlds together. This class has been a real blessing, and we have reached over 50 people through it, with at least a dozen of them consistently attending week after week. The Lord has given us open doors to speak freely of Him with students, and they have admitted that they see God’s help through the teacher in each class.

We are encouraged by the growth that we see in the host family. The husband desires to be the leader of his home and is seeking to put God’s word into practice in his family. Please continue to pray for him and his family as they seek the Lord! Their son has taken a strong interest in the instruments that we play (the tambourine, the ukulele, the guitar and the piano). He usually sits with the pianist or claps his hands for particular songs. May the Lord touch his little heart with the message of salvation at a young age. December 22nd was the evening Carols and Candlelight event. The children enjoyed the cloth nativity set that we brought for them to put together as Luke 2:1-17 was read. Everyone enjoyed the Christmas gifts that we were able to share with them from Woods Outreach, and we all enjoyed the time of food and fellowship afterwards as we celebrated the 5th birthday of one of the boys. We were honored to be considered “family” as we gathered together in this home that has been so graciously made available to us week after week.

What’s ahead

Our host family is in the process of purchasing their own house, and they have assured us that they will be happy to continue to host our weekly Bible studies. We have not put together a 2025 calendar as of yet, but we know that it is very important that we continue to minister to this family and any others who might choose to attend. We trust the Lord to lead us as we move forward into 2025.

What’s your part

It is no small thing to be in prayer for this ministry. We could not move forward without the Lord, and we are thankful to Him for your faithfulness in caring and praying. If you are in the area, please connect with us.

Praise the Lord for each person that has been a part of Woods Outreach these past two months!

Praise the Lord for His guidance, step by step. We see Him lead “at just the right moment”!

Praise the Lord for another year of serving the Lord together in this “neck of the woods”.

Pray for sincere salvation in the life of the each member of the host family.

Pray for details in the purchase of the host family’s house and the process of the move.

Thank you FOR YOUR PRAYERS, SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT! - Woods Outreach ministry team

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Newsletter September/October 2024