Newsletter September/October 2024
1 Corinthians 3:6-9 “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.7So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. 8 Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. 9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building.”
What’s the latest
September was the beginning of the ending of this chapter for Woods Outreach. It meant saying good-bye to two of our group who were moving to diverse balmier climates. It was our final month in the Mishicot building. We cleaned out our things bit by bit throughout the month; held our final Bi-lingual Bible Study on the 29th, and then everything was completely removed by the 30th. So many good-byes within a short span of time.
While saying goodbye to friends and the town of Mishicot, we were able to start a new chapter with our Bi-lingual language classes in Two Rivers, for which we are very excited. The public library has opened its doors wide for us to come in and teach English/Spanish on Wednesday evenings, 6-7:30 pm. They put together the flier and promoted the class in their monthly newsletter. They would even allow us to hold mid-week Bible studies, but they would not be able to promote them, nor is there enough time after the language class. So for the time being, we are not holding mid-week services. Since our first class on September 11th, we have reached out to some 50 different individuals, which includes at least 8 Latin families, a professor from the Philippines, and attendees from 3 to 77 years old. We have the full support of the library director and assistance of Terry (voted “Librarian of the year for WI”) with whatever our needs are for the class. She is a tremendous blessing. We have been able to share the ministry of Woods Outreach with each student, give them our brochure and invite them to our events. They have also given more than $100 in donations.
With the change in location for the language class has also come the change in location for the Bi-lingual weekly studies. We now meet in the home of one of our Latin families, and they happily offered to have us put Woods Outreach supplies, piano and chairs in their home. We are currently doing a study on What is Discipleship – who do we follow; how do we lead and will officially start a Bi-lingual Discipleship study workbook in the coming months. Please continue to pray for this family as they open up their home to us. Some of our men had their fishing outing which yielded a great catch or more. More than anything, it was good for enjoying God’s creation and getting to know one another better. We are challenging the men to consider what it means to be “fishers of men”.
What’s ahead
We have put together a calendar of events for the rest of the year which includes a Praise & Worship evening in November and an evening of Carols and Candlelight in December! We do not know what the Lord has in store for us, but we continue to move forward and use what God has placed in our hands, seeking to be salt and light in an ever-darkening world. We continue to pray for people who are seeking the Truth to join us for the Bible studies, but we plant and water seed through every opportunity given.
What’s your part
We are so grateful to the Lord for YOUR part through prayer and giving as He so leads you. Please consider these requests as you remain faithful to what He has called YOU to do! God is working in hearts and is drawing them to Himself.
Praise the Lord for His provision of new places to continue the ministries and new opportunities!
Praise the Lord for the new opportunities to plant the Seed now in Two Rivers as well!
Praise the Lord for open hearts to receive the Truth!
Pray for softened and hungry hearts to hear the Gospel, both in Spanish and in English.
Pray for the final 3 language classes as we wrap them up on November 20th until we resume in January.
Thank you FOR YOUR PRAYERS, SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT! - Woods Outreach ministry team
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