Newsletter May/June 2024
1 Corinthians 3:6-9, “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 7So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. 8 Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. 9For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building.”
What’s the latest
May and June have been busy months with various events, new faces, increased English and Spanish comprehension, and God’s Word has gone forth to those in the Mishicot area. We are thankful to the Lord for His continued faithfulness, guidance, grace and provision. As a 501-c3, we were able to get some invaluable counsel on how to reach into the community and introduce Woods Outreach and do some local fundraising. We have already seen results from that counsel. We were also able to get our website up and running. Take note of the address below and feel free to not only browse our site but also pass it along to others.
We held a special event in May (Cinco de Mayo) and in June (Unplug and Play), both geared to local families in our multicultural environment. At each event, we were able to learn about other cultures, connect with local families and make our presence known. We also honored our Mothers and Fathers on their respective days, celebrating their role in the family. Our regular events of Language classes (on Wednesdays) and Bi-lingual Bible Studies (on Sundays) continue, and we are always encouraged as different attendees take part in the ministry through the various opportunities.
What’s ahead
Along with the regular events and special monthly outreach events, we continue to trust the Lord for what He would seek to accomplish IN and THROUGH us and IN and THROUGH Woods Outreach. We continue to face the unexpected but trust the Lord in those situations and continue to do what He has called us to do...”plant and water the Seed.”
What’s your part
God owns the “cattle on a thousand hills”, but He uses HIS people to be His hands and feet. Your part is between you and the Lord and how He would have you be involved. Be it through prayer support, financial donation, cheering us on from the side lines or “rolling up your sleeves” and getting involved in the work in Mishicot, EACH and every one of you is a blessing, and your obedience to His call makes all the difference in this world. If the Lord puts it on your heart to be involved in Woods Outreach in some way, please obey Him. Therein is the blessing! If you know of someone in the area who might be blessed through Woods Outreach, please forward them our contact information so that they be ministered to. We are SO grateful to the Lord for His goodness!
Praises & prayer requests
1. Praise the Lord for God’s faithfulness, His provision, and His many answers to prayer!
2. Praise the Lord for the new attendees, for hungry/thirsty souls, for those who faithfully attend!
3. Praise the Lord for the commitment of those who labor together in this ministry!
4. Pray for continued spiritual hunger and commitment to attending the regular ministries.
5. Pray for wisdom as we plan events, share the ministry with others and connect with the local community.
6. Pray for the developing of home Bible studies for the Latins – that they would be interested in home Bible studies.
7. Pray for those who are struggling in their walk with the Lord and putting Him in first place in their family and life.
8. Pray for results from the hundreds of families who are hearing about Woods Outreach through a local pregnancy center – that
there will be interest in coming and visiting us.
Thank you FOR YOUR PRAYERS, SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT! - Woods Outreach ministry
How to contact Woods Outreach: 219 E. Main Street, Mishicot WI 54228