Newsletter March/April 2024

What’s the latest

Since our January/February newsletter, we have seen several changes.  First of all, we resumed our Wednesday schedule of bi-lingual language classes and Bible studies in English and Spanish respectively.  Attendance has been fairly steady for both, with some new students attending.  Language classes continue with a three-fold focus of:  grammar, pronunciation and conversation.  By pairing up students of various language levels and bringing both languages together, we create an environment that is non-threatening and practical!  Several comments are: “they’re informative; fun, learn a lot of conversational language; enjoyable; interesting.”  Since the class dynamics change continually as far as attendance is concerned, there is a youtube channel that allows students who are absent to see what they missed.  If interested, you can check out: “ruthiewoodbeck” channel on youtube.  We have various men who are willing to lead the Bible studies in their own language, and Wednesday night is geared toward studying God’s Word in one’s mother tongue.


Secondly, we have held two special events (Easter Sunday on March 31st and Open House on April 13th) with new people in attendance.  One never knows how it will all unfold, but as we trust each event to the Lord and to His leading, we pray for those who do attend to be touched with the love of Christ and to receive a warm welcome when entering the building.  We never know how the Lord will use these events in the lives of others, but we trust them to the Lord for His outcome!


Last but certainly not least, our website is close to be up and running.  We are in the final stages of set-up, and we are so thankful to the Lord for those that have helped make this possible.  Once the website is ready, we’ll be able to direct newcomers to the site, receive financial donations through it, post regular updates, etc.  We will then print and distribute official brochures of Woods Outreach and put them into the hands of local residents, Latin contacts, potential visitors, and thus future guests.   


What’s ahead

Many of you have been praying along with us for Spanish leadership in the group context.  Two men have come to the group who are Latin nationals with a burden to give the Gospel to their people locally.  They attend the group and are assisting in teaching the Bible studies in Spanish.  We are hoping that they will be able to do in-home Bible studies for local Latin’s who do not attend the regular Bible studies due to work schedules, etc.  Please pray for open homes to host these studies.  We see this as a huge need as many of these Latins do not speak English.  They need the Gospel in their own language.    


What’s your part

God has faithfully provided for the needs of Woods Outreach through your continued prayers, financial giving, volunteering, and sharing of goods.  If the Spirit of God puts it upon your heart to be a part of this Outreach in some way, be it locally or from afar, please contact us so that we can share the opportunities available.  Your visit would be MOST welcome if you are in the area!  “Behold, an open door….”


Praises & prayer requests

1.     For all that the Lord HAS done and continues to do in our midst.  We are blessed abundantly and see God’s hand in large and small ways on a continual basis.

2.     For the Woods Outreach Board members and group members who are committed to obeying the Lord in this ministry.

3.     For the two Latin men who are helping in the Bible studies and ministries and committed to sharing the Gospel.

4.     For continued spiritual hunger and commitment to attending the regular ministries (Sunday mornings – Bi-lingual Bible study (10 a.m.) AND Wednesday evenings – Language Classes (6 p.m.); Bible studies in English and in Spanish (7:30 p.m.)

5.     For good attendance for the May 5th – Cinco de Mayo BBQ and activities following the morning Bible Study

6.     For the developing of home Bible studies for the Latins

7.     For those who are struggling in their walk with the Lord and putting Him in first place in their family and life.

8.     For discernment in planning upcoming events for June, July, August. 

Currently we have:  May 5th – Cinco de Mayo; May 12th – Honoring our Mothers; May 18th – Monthly Language Class & Meal


Thank you FOR YOUR PRAYERS, SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT!  - Woods Outreach ministry


Newsletter May/June 2024


Newsletter January/February 2024