Woods Outreach is a…

Loving, Supporting, Bilingual Community

Woods Outreach serves as a community outreach to provide a place to belong and desires to bring unity among various cultures. We are here to serve the diverse population moving to Northeast Wisconsin providing bi-lingual language classes and assistance in directing families and individuals to resources they may need.

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”

— Psalms 34:8 NIV

We Love What We Do.

Woods Outreach was founded in 2023 by Jamie & Ruthie Woodbeck. As a volunteer for another local nonprofit, Ruthie realized there was a lot more her clients needed to succeed and thrive here in our community. Woods Outreach is overseen by a diverse board of directors who love people, and want to see God’s love shine in our local communities.

A Place to Belong.

We are all part of what God has in store for us and Woods Outreach strives to create a place for all to belong that brings our community together and where every individual feels welcomed. We are looking forward to help, lead, or assist individuals and families to resources for spiritual and physical needs.

We are helping with opportunities all around our community. We are providing Spanish/English classes, along with Bible Studies. View classes at www.youtube.com/@RuthieWoodbeck. To get involved or see upcoming events, check our events page and join us!

Support for Communities.

Woods Outreach exist to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to multiple cultures in a bi-lingual setting, while promoting goodness, giftedness, and growth in the community. We are here to encourage opportunities to develop skills and personal growth to add value to the community.

Purpose, Faith, Family, Support and Creativity